Monday Mashup Crochet

For Monday Mashup we learnt to crochet with Nanna Ngaere. 

First, we looked at some different kinds of crochet. Then we learnt how to hold our crochet hook and make chains. 

Something I learnt was  how to crochet because I have never done that before and learning to tie.

A value I had to use was success because I had to be really focused to finish my creations.

Nanna Ngaere made some crochet stars for us and we created chains to hang them on. 

Inspired by the Matariki star Hiwa-i-te-rangi we wrote down wishes for the year to attach to our creation.

Action stations

For action stations I did dance.  First we did hip hop. The dance was 7 rings by Ariana Grande.  A guy showed us the steps to the Ariana Grande dance and it was had to copy. It was hard but fun.

The next day we did the heel and toe  polka dance. It was really fun because of ll of the dancing.

card games

On Fridays I have been learning card games  for my  Action Station. I’ve learnt pig sevens, old maid and Crazy   Eights I had to read the instructions to learn to play, and add scores to see who won. The game I enjoyed most was Crazy Eights because you have to give four players five cards then you flip the one in the middle and see if you have the same symbols.